How to become a Doctor in Canada?

How to become a Doctor in Canada?

How to become a Doctor in Canada?

It takes at least 10 years of education and residency to become a doctor in Canada!

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Becoming a doctor in Canada requires that certain requirements are fulfilled. The general sequence of the process is as follows: obtaining a Bachelor’s degree, passing MCAT, finishing medical school, taking medical licensing exams and completing residency.

So, it takes many steps to become a doctor in Canada; let’s go over those in order.

STEP 1: Get a High School Diploma

You don’t have to commit to medicine as your chosen profession at this stage, but if it’s on the shortlist check with a guidance counsellor or medical school(s) to identify the science and other preparatory courses you’ll need to ensure eligibility. Volunteering in a related setting or talking with various health care workers may help expand your knowledge and understanding — of both the profession and life outside the work environment.

STEP 2: Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

A bachelor’s degree is required to get into medical school. Medical schools seek applicants who have a broad educational background, a solid foundation in the natural sciences and experience in healthcare settings. While a specific major is not required, all medical school applicants need to complete undergraduate coursework in biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Students can gain healthcare experience while in school by volunteering in hospitals, clinics or other healthcare environments. This is a good way for students to make sure they want to become doctors before committing to medical school.

STEP 3: Take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

After completing your bachelor’s degree, you can proceed by choosing among one of the 17 Canadian medical schools to attend, keeping in mind that some of them require the applicant to be a resident of the same province. The desired school should be contacted in order to get the full admission requirements, such as taking the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

MCAT performance scores are required by all medical schools in Canada. Content areas that are tested on the MCAT include biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry and physics. The MCAT is a standardized 9-hour exam that is also designed to assess problem-solving, verbal reasoning and writing skills. Students planning on going to medical school can take the MCAT up to three times a year.

STEP 4: Earn a Medical Degree

Medical school programs generally last four years. The first two years usually begins with theoretical (or so-called pre-clinic) background training in a classroom setting and laboratory work, while the last two years allow students to work directly with patients under the supervision of experienced doctors. Medical school coursework generally covers topics in pharmacology, pathology, anatomy and biochemistry. Students also study the practice of medicine and legal issues related to healthcare.

The clinical experiences that students participate in (usually in their third year) cover a variety of specialty areas, including neurology, radiology and medicine. The clinical experiences also give the student a chance to find out what type of residency he or she would prefer to pursue after graduation. They learn more about how to take care of patients under different circumstances and in emergency situations.

STEP 5 – Sit Medical Licensing Exams

After you complete your training in a four-year medical school, you must pass a licensing examination to prove your knowledge and competency before you can work as a physician in Canada. This exam, known as the MCCEE, or Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination, is by and large the most difficult exam most students will ever take.

STEP 6: Complete a Residency Program

Finally, once you have passed the MCCEE examination and become a licensed physician, Canada law requires you to complete a residency program before you can work independently. The goal is to allow newly-licensed doctors to learn from more experienced professionals in a sort of mentoring system and to allow them to adapt to their new career choices. For family doctors, the residency lasts two years, but for specialists, residencies can last as long as six years. In addition, you could even choose a sub-specialization with another two or three years’ residency.